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Wednesday 3 August 2016

About Pokemon Go eggs

Pokemon has a new game called Pokemon go. It is going to be a game with evolving Pokemon and caching them. In the Pokemon XY cartoons you can hatch eggs you can do that in this game to. You can do this by... going to a Poke-stop tap it and then swipe the screen and  maybe an egg will show, if not you have a berry, gold potion, potion, revive,  (if you level 10 +) grate Pokemon  balls and pokemon balls.

You can hatch an egg by click in the poke-ball at the bottom of the screen and click the circle label Pokemon and you will have words at the top one says Pokemon and the other eggs. Click in eggs then tap on your egg, there will be a word that says, “start incubating” click that then incubators show tap on any one and then it will begin to hatch but don’t think your work is done, you will hath to walk tp hatch  the egg and wen it is ready to hatch it will tell you then you gust tap the egg and it shows what Pokemon you have.

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