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Thursday 22 December 2016

Combat Power Shifts in Pokémon GO

Changes were made to the CP (Combat Power) of various Pokémon in Pokémon GO—many Pokémon had their CP increased, while others had their CP lowered to allow for a more balanced and competitive battling and training experience in Gyms. Pokémon with high CP perform better at attacking and defending Gyms, so finding Pokémon with high CP for your team is key to having consistent success in Gym battles.
It's tricky to figure out which Pokémon will have lots of CP before you power them up using valuable Stardust. Read on about the Pokémon species most impacted by these changes so that you know which Pokémon to track down and power up next. Plus, if you haven't already, make sure to log into the game and see how the power of your Pokémon may have shifted!

Gym Battle Heroes

The Pokémon that have recently enjoyed a boost to their Combat Power can largely be split into two groups: Pokémon that had a reputation for being quick and frail, and those that are known for being slow and stout. Many of the bigger, sturdier Pokémon received smaller boosts than their speedier counterparts, but they powered up just enough to land among the best choices to lead your team into battle.
Few Pokémon gained more from the recent changes than the Rock- and Ground-type Rhydon. It was already a powerful Pokémon, but its improved CP may make it one of the most sought after Pokémon for use in Gym battles, alongside Vaporeon, Lapras, and Snorlax. Golem shares the same types as Rhydon and gained a boost in power, as well. You may want to make sure you're packing a Water- or Grass-type Pokémon for your team the next time you try to claim a Gym!
If you're not sure about how to deal with Golem and Rhydon, look no further than several Water-type Pokémon ascending toward the top of the pool of available Pokémon. You'll probably need myriad Magikarp before you can get a Gyarados, but the effort will definitely be worth it as Gyarados' already formidable power has been increased. Omastar and Kingler also received significant boosts, deepening the pool of powerful Water-type Pokémon to choose from. Omastar's combination of the Rock and Water types can be especially useful, so try Omastar out if you're fortunate enough to have one.
You'll have to be very lucky to run into the rare Chansey. But if you happen to have the Egg Pokémon, you may notice its CP has increased the most of all relative to other Pokémon. Chansey is famous for its high HP, making it a tricky Gym defender to topple. There's now a little more power behind Chansey's massive amount of hit points, so keep an eye out for this rare and treasured Pokémon!

Moving on Up

Many Pokémon known for their speed are also looking more fit for battle recently. These Pokémon enjoyed some of the largest jumps in CP, making them great candidates for a second look. If you tried training one of these Pokémon before and didn't feel like their Gym performance was up to your standards, it might be worth giving them another shot.
Abra may not be able to Teleport in Pokémon GO, but it does escape frequently enough that it can take a lot of dedication to catch enough Abra to power up an Alakazam. That dedication is sure to pay off, as Abra, Kadabra, and Alakazam enjoyed some of the biggest gains from the recent changes to CP.
Trainers who chose to celebrate Halloween with Pokémon GO likely built up a good stock of Gastly Candy. Now is a great time to empty the reserves and power up a Gastly to try to spook your rivals because Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar also enjoyed a sizable bump to their CP.
Each of the Evolutions of the popular Eevee gained a little boost, but the Evolution that gained the most was Jolteon. The normally speedy Jolteon had been lagging behind its contemporaries a little in Pokémon GO, but the recent changes should help Jolteon get back on pace. There aren't many Electric-type Pokémon, so many Trainers may want to add this sparky Pokémon to their rosters.

Hit the Gyms

With the CP of many Pokémon changing, we imagine many Trainers are looking to improve their teams. It can take a lot of Stardust to power up a powerful Pokémon, so we'd like to remind Trainers that another recent game update introduced daily bonuses for both capturing Pokémon and for visiting PokéStops. And if you capture a Pokémon or visit a PokéStop seven days in a row, you even get a much larger bonus! If you keep working at these daily bonuses, you'll be able to power-up some great new additions to your team in no time. Plus, don't forget to pick a Buddy Pokémon to earn more candy for your rare Pokémon.
Many other Pokémon received boosts to their CP in addition to those mentioned in this article. The best way to acquaint yourself all the recent changes to Pokémon GO is to log in and check out your Pokémon roster and get out to some Gyms. We hope you enjoy your future Gym battles, and remember to check back at for more Pokémon GO, video game, and Pokémon TCG tips.

Mythical Pokémon Distribution Round-Up, Part 4

The Pokémon 20th celebration is a rare opportunity to have some Mythical Pokémon join your team. Genesect is currently available for Trainers to add to their rosters in November, so be sure to check out for more details on how you can team up with Genesect. Next month, the 20th celebration will continue with Meloetta, the last of the Mythical Pokémon to be distributed for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. And players recently received one last chance to team up with Hoopa in October, a Pokémon they may have already teamed up with during a previous distribution.

You'll discover how powerful Mythical Pokémon are as soon as they join your team, but a dedicated Trainer can bring out their hidden potential. Read on to find some tips that will make your adventure with them even more amazing. You can find out more about each of the Mythical Pokémon distribution events at
But first, here is some important information from our first article about an item that is crucial to help bring out the full power of these Pokémon.

Share Your Heart

The Mythical Pokémon distributed as part of the 20th celebration are so powerful that players aren't allowed to use them in most official tournaments. Mythical Pokémon are quite effective in battle, and they are a lot of fun to use when you're battling with your friends or against the in-game opponents you come across during your adventures. Regardless of how you plan to train your new partners, one of the first things you should do is teach them some of your favorite moves.
Each Mythical Pokémon given out during the Pokémon 20th celebration knows the moves they knew the first time they were available to Trainers. They all start at level 100, so they can't naturally learn the moves they would normally learn by leveling up. Don't worry—you can still teach them the moves they could have known at any stage of their training. If you find a Heart Scale, you can bring it to the Pokémon Move Maniac in Fallarbor Town in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, or to Madam Reminder in Dendemille Town in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, to learn moves these Pokémon could have learned while leveling up. Each of these Pokémon can learn some special moves, so it's worth the effort to help them remember!

HoopaCause Hoopla with Hoopa

Hoopa will join your team in its Hoopa Confined form, but you'll want to use the Prison Bottle item to unleash its true power by helping it become Hoopa Unbound. Hoopa is a Psychic-type Pokémon in each of its forms, but Hoopa Confined is also a Ghost-type Pokémon while Hoopa Unbound adds a Dark type. Hoopa will revert to its Hoopa Confined form if you deposit it into your PC, so keep it in your active party if you want to enjoy Hoopa Unbound's enhanced Attack, Special Attack, and Special Defense stats.
Hoopa excels at dishing out big hits. Depending on the Nature of your Hoopa, you can train it to use physical attacks, special attacks, or a mix of both and have great results. A Modest Nature is ideal for a Hoopa trained to use special attacks, while Adamant or Brave are ideal for a Hoopa focusing on physical attacks. If you're looking for a mix of both kinds of attacks, a Hasty or Naive Nature is ideal, but almost any Nature that doesn't reduce Attack or Special Attack can work in a pinch. You'll probably want to train Hoopa's Speed first (unless you decide to teach it Trick Room), and then use the rest of its training to improve Hoopa's damage output. We suggest giving Hoopa a Life Orb to hold, regardless of its Nature.
If you're angling Hoopa's training toward special attacks, you can use TMs to teach it Psyshock or Psychic and Dark Pulse to match its types. After that, in a Double Battle it would be wise to use a TM to teach Hoopa Protect, while in a Single Battle it's fine to keep the Nasty Plot move Hoopa knows when you receive it instead. Focus Blast is a great final move to take out any Dark-type Pokémon that resist Hoopa's other attacks, but Trick Room can be a fun alternative if you're using a Hoopa that isn't trained in Speed.
A Hoopa trained to focus on physical attacks can take advantage of its powerful trademark moves. The move Hyperspace Hole is a Psychic-type attack with 80 power that always hits, and it can even damage an opponent that is using a move like Protect to defend itself. Hyperspace Hole can be learned only by Hoopa Confined, but Hoopa will still be able to use the move after it transforms.
Hoopa's other trademark attack is Hyperspace Fury, which only Hoopa Unbound can learn. Hyperspace Fury also has perfect accuracy and damages Pokémon using Protect, but it is a Dark-type move and has 100 power. Unlike Hyperspace Hole, Hyperspace Fury can only be used while Hoopa is in its Hoopa Unbound form. It will fail if used by Hoopa Confined, so be mindful of that if you swap Hoopa's form.
Protect is a much more common tactic in Double Battles than in Single Battles, so it's in Double Battles that Hoopa's trademark moves shine. To get the most out of Hoopa in Double Battles you may also want to teach it Protect and Trick Room. If you just want Hoopa to focus on dealing damage, it can get a lot of mileage out of a variety of other attacks including Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, and Drain Punch.

GenesectGet Down with Genesect

High Attack and Special Attack stats, a reliable combination of Steel and Bug types, and a barrage of powerful attacks make Genesect a very powerful Pokémon. Most Trainers train their Genesect to attack as quickly as possible using both special and physical attacks, so you might want to try to track down a Genesect with a Naive or Hasty Nature. Both Natures avoid reducing Genesect's damage output while maximizing its Speed.
One reason why so many Trainers choose to teach their Genesect both special and physical attacks is because of its Download Ability, which increases its Attack or Special Attack by 1 based on which of its foe's defensive stats is lower. If Genesect can take advantage of the boost from Download regardless of which of its stats is raised, it becomes a very tricky Pokémon to battle against.
Genesect is a little slower than some Pokémon popular in battles, such as Mega Kangaskhan, so many Trainers choose to give Genesect a speed boost with a Choice Scarf. Using a TM to teach Genesect U-turn is a great fit with Choice Scarf: it plays well off Genesect's high Attack and Speed, normally allowing Genesect to deal solid damage and then switch to a teammate with a type advantage before being attacked. Iron Head is also a great fit for strategies involving Choice Scarf by dealing more than just solid Steel-type damage—it also takes advantage of Genesect's increased Speed by sometimes causing Genesect's target to flinch if Genesect moves before it.
Regardless of Genesect's held item, you can teach it other attacks that help it take advantage of its foes' weaknesses with the help of TMs. Ice Beam is a great attack for dealing with Pokémon that are weak to Ice-type attacks, such as the popular Landorus and Rayquaza. At the other end of the thermometer, Genesect can also learn Flamethrower, which can be useful to take down the Steel-type Pokémon that resist U-turn and Iron Head. Genesect can even learn Explosion to deal some hefty damage once it's low on HP.
Genesect's trademark move is Techno Blast. By default, Techno Blast is a Normal-type attack with 120 base power that deals special damage and has 100% accuracy. But if you have Genesect hold one of four special items, such as Burn Drive, Techno Blast will instead become a different type. Burn Drive causes Techno Blast to become a Fire-type attack; there are similar items that allow it to become a Water-, Electric-, or Ice-type attack. We typically don't see Trainers teach Genesect Techno Blast because Genesect needs to hold a specialized item to leverage any type advantage, but playing with Techno Blast can be a lot of fun.

MeloettaMatch Melodies with Meloetta

Meloetta may not have the same brute strength Hoopa or Genesect have, but it is certainly a rare Pokémon with unique flair. Meloetta starts battles in its Aria Forme as a Normal- and Psychic-type Pokémon. When it uses its trademark Relic Song move in battle, it immediately enters its Pirouette Forme and becomes a Normal- and Fighting-type Pokémon instead. In Pirouette Forme, Meloetta's Attack and Speed are drastically increased, but its Special Attack and Special Defense are drastically decreased at the same time.
Fortunately, Relic Song is a Normal-type attack, so Meloetta will gain a same-type attack bonus when it uses the move regardless of the form it is currently in. If you plan to have Meloetta battle in its Pirouette Forme, you'll probably want to support Relic Song with some physical attacks, and use Protect in a Double Battle. Meloetta can learn the powerful Close Combat move to take advantage of its Fighting type, but its options for other physical attacks are limited: Return, Stone Edge, and Shadow Claw stand out as the best choices. We suggest a Meloetta with a Jolly Nature for strategies based around this form.
Playing around with Relic Song can be complicated, so most Trainers battling with Meloetta prefer to focus their strategies around its Aria Forme instead. In Aria Forme, Meloetta has solid HP and excellent Special Attack and Special Defense. Instead of Relic Song, attacks such as Psyshock, Focus Blast, and Hyper Voice provide reliable options to go on the offense. Some Trainers like to combine these attacks with a move like Trick, Energy Ball, or Shadow Ball and have their Meloetta hold a Choice Specs to maximize its immediate damage output, or Choice Scarf to help it outrun the many Pokémon that are faster.
Other Trainers prefer to play defensively with Meloetta's Aria Forme and use the popular combination of Substitute and Calm Mind instead. With this strategy, Trainers have Meloetta hold a Life Orb or Leftovers and have Meloetta try to power-up against opponents that can't break through its impressive Special Defense. A Life Orb is great in a Double Battle, as well, where Trainers could consider having Meloetta hold a Life Orb and learn Protect. We suggest a Timid Nature for any strategy based around Meloetta's Aria Forme.
Meloetta is also able to learn some useful support moves, most of which are particularly helpful in Double Battles. The classic Thunder Wave can help Meloetta support its team by slowing down its opponents. And even if you don't decide to let Meloetta sing with Relic Song, it can still dance to disrupt both of its opponents—and its ally—with its confusing Teeter Dance move. Light Screen, Reflect, Safeguard, and Trick Room are all useful if you put the Pokémon in a more traditional support role in Single or Double Battles.
We hope you've enjoyed our series of Pokémon 20th celebration Mythical Pokémon distribution strategy articles. Don't forget to take this chance to team up with Genesect and Meloetta! And return to soon for Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon strategy, tips, and tournament analysis.

#creepy -#cool -#AMAZING!!! Pokemon... Alolan!!!


Its actual appearance is unknown.
 A scholar who saw what was under its rag was overwhelmed 
by terror and died from the shock.

(I will show the evolutions)


 Its body is gaseous and frail.
 It slowly grows as it collects dust from the atmosphere.


Motionless as if dead, its body is faintly warm to the touch. 
In the distant past, it was called the cocoon of the stars.





It is said to live in another world. 
The intense light it radiates from the surface of its body
 can make the darkest of nights light up like midday.



It is said to be a female evolution of Cosmog.
 When its third eye activates, away it flies to another world.



This Ultra Beast appeared from another world. 
It shows off its body, but whether that display
 is a boast or a threat remains unclear.



(Last updated on the 22/12/2016)

Wednesday 21 December 2016

New Pokémon Are Coming to Pokémon GO

Be on the lookout for Pokémon originally discovered in the Johto region.

Keep an eye out for Pichu, Togepi, and several other Pokémon now in Pokémon GO. The next time you go out and explore your neighborhood, you'll begin to find Eggs at PokéStops that will hatch Pokémon that you could originally encounter in the Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver games.
Take a walk with your family and friends this holiday season and hatch these Pokémon for the first time in Pokémon GO.


 Pichu 5K egg 

Cleffa 2K egg

Igglybuff 2K egg

Togepi 5K egg

Tyrogue 10K egg

Smoochum 10K egg

Elekid 10K egg

Magby 10K egg

OMG! Alolan Pokemon are hear!!!!!!!!

In a near update i will be showing YOU the new Pokemon in Pokemon sun moon!!


Saturday 10 December 2016

Common cool!

If you play Pokemon GO, you may have a pidgeot, which you probably call "conman".
Never the less, it can be cool, because it can mega evolve......!
But before I reveal mega pidgeot, I'll tell you about normal pidgeot..........
This Pokémon has a dazzling plumage of beautifully glossy feathers. Many Trainers are captivated by the striking beauty of the feathers on its head, compelling them to choose Pidgeot as their Pokémon. Trainers often use this Pokemon to fly.

Ready for mega pidgeot......

Mega Pidgeot

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